The Renaissance Players
The Renaissance Players form a versatile musical ensemble, perfect for quiet venues, concert style settings, or rockin’ uptempo party atmospheres. Based out of Boise, they have a variety of styles that transcend many genres. They have an extensive song list, from funk, soul, Motown, hip hop, theatrical drama to classical symphonic, and of course, rock ‘n’ roll!
Everyone shares lead singing duties, which affords them the ability to have different sounds and styles appropriate to any venue. They especially strive for interesting harmonies and arrangements, and have a full night of original material, as well as current and classic covers. Their focus is to always put on an engaging show.

8-Track Flashback
Band Members: Jerry Smith, Steve Howder and Lisa Marie. 8-Track Flashback is a musical trio that allows listeners to enjoy timeless classics that will rekindle the memories that make you smile, through their music and entertaining narrative. Each member of this group brings their unique style of vocal and instrumental expertise, which makes the music as fresh as the driven snow with purpose and soulful expression.